Inside SMART Africa Updates from the Field

SMART Africa Uganda- updates from the field

SMART Africa-Uganda is a scale-up study in Uganda that utilizes an adapted version of the evidence-based MFG intervention. This intervention has 16 sessions that aim to address behavioral health challenges in children and adolescents. This month marked the end of the 8-week follow-up assessments in the 8 schools that are currently receiving the MFG intervention with 1374 guardian and children interviews completed out of 1400 expected interviews. This gives a 98.1% turn up with a 1.9% attrition rate. MFG session delivery continued this month in the eight treatment arm schools with sessions 11, 12, and 13 delivered across 30 family groups. The average attendance for all three sessions was 78%.

Guardians and facilitators completed fidelity assessments at the end of every session – per protocol requirements. Additionally, families were grateful for the project’s effort in minimizing their contraction of COVID-19 by providing them with disinfectants to wash their hands before and after joining the sessions.

Thanks to the Uganda team for not only keeping the study moving forward but providing community education around the importance of hand-washing during these challenging times!