SMART Africa-Uganda is a scale-up study in Uganda that utilizes an adapted version of the evidence-based Multiple Family Group (MFG) intervention. This intervention has 16 sessions that aim to address behavioral health challenges in children and adolescents. Following a field visit by ICHAD affiliate Dr. Yesim Tozan and Dr. Fred Ssewamala in January, the SMART Africa-Uganda team worked on a summary of cost-effectiveness data for the Control arm of the study. Eight-week follow-up assessments (for both children and caregivers) were completed in 8 public primary schools enrolled in the treatment condition. A total of 1351 assessments were completed which accounts for 96.5% of the expected numbers (1400). Following these assessments, MFG sessions delivery resumed with session 9 (Dealing with stress in families), which had an average attendance rate of 81%. Guardians and children were thrilled to learn about family stressors and strategies to deal with these stressors to create a conducive family environment for everyone. MFG Session 10 delivery will be completed by the end of this month as well. Congratulations to the Uganda field team for all their hard work!