Inside SMART Africa

“Suubi+Adherence Study Protocol: A family economic empowerment intervention addressing HIV treatment adherence for perinatally infected adolescents” published in Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications Journal

Congratulations to the ICHAD Suubi+Adherence team, Fred Ssewamala, William Byansi, Ozge Sensoy Bahar, Proscovia Nabunya, Torsten Neilands, Claude Mellins, Mary McKway, Miriam Mukasa, Fredrick Makumbi, and Getrude Nakigozi, on publishing the recently concluded Suubi+Adherence study’s protocol in the Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications Journal. The protocol describes a financial stability model created to positively affect antiretroviral treatment adherence for youth. The study intervention combines a matched savings account, financial education, health education, and income-generating activities. This is meant to promote monetary savings for study participants and their families so there is sufficient income to meet the needs associated with managing HIV as a chronic illness, to provide support for adherence to antiretroviral therapy, to develop microenterprises to generate family income, and/or to further their studies in secondary education. The protocol clearly lays out the study’s background, methods and design, implementation and evaluation strategies. The full publication can be found here.