Congratulations to the SMART Africa Co-Principal Investigators Drs. Fred Ssewamala and Mary McKay, and Dr. Yesim Tozan from New York University on receiving an administrative supplement from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) to assess the cost-effectiveness of the Amaka Amasanyufu intervention in Uganda. Dr. Tozan will lead this new component of the SMART Africa study. The cost-effectiveness analysis will use study outcome and cost data collected at baseline and 6-month follow-up to examine how much the intervention costs to achieve a unit of effect, relative to standard care. The findings of the economic analyses will provide critical information to inform future intervention priorities and guide evidence-based decision-making in resource-limited settings. The findings will prove particularly useful in areas where there are several competing health interventions for children to allow leaders and policymakers to determine where to invest their limited resources. We would like to extend our sincere appreciation to NIMH for their continuous support of our work!