May 2024

 Congratulations to undergraduate researchers Emmy Morin and Julie Lampert! Emmy won the Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Award, and Julie won the Helmholz Award during the Chemistry Department Honors Luncheon. 

Congratulations to Dr. Jiang Luo who was awarded a PhD in Chemistry at the A&S Hooding Ceremony for graduate students!

Jan 2024

Welcome Matt Dake, a first-year graduate student joining our lab in 2024!

Congratulations to Brandon Campbell (undergrad alum and current grad student in the Nocera group at Harvard) for his recent paper published in Science!

Our review article on the challenges and opportunities of using single-molecule fluorescence microscopy to image electro- and photocatalysis has been published in Chemical & Biomedical Imaging.

Congratulations to Ashlynn on winning a DOE Office of Science Graduate Student Research fellowship! She will be spending six months at Sandia National Laboratory.

Emmy did an awesome job presenting her research at the WashU Undergraduate Research Symposium!

July 2023

Congratulations to Dr. Dongyan Zhang for earning his PhD and for his recent article in the Journal of Chemical Physics on size-dependent miscibility in cesium lead halide nanocrystals!
This article is part of a Special Collection on 40 Years of Colloidal Nanocrystals in JCP commemorating the report of quantum confinement in colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals by Louis Brus.

Congratulations to Emmy Morin for winning a Summer Undergraduate Research Award!

Congratulations to Chu! Her recent paper on light-directed growth of manganese oxide nanostructures for electrochemical water oxidation was selected to be part of a virtual issue in the ACS Au journal series on Contemporary Catalysis. ST0001R_T000664_ACS_Au_Contemporary_Catalysis&src=IC001_ST0001R_T000664 ACS_Au_Contemporary_Catalysis

Oct 2022

Congratulations to Jiang on his recent paper published in JACS on the electrochemical growth of metastable bismuth selenide on non-single-crystalline substrates!

Read the highlights of this work in WashU’s Ampersand:

Sep 2022

Chris Sellers, a science teacher at Whitfield School, describes his experience working in our lab this summer.

June 2022

Congratulations to Meikun on his recent paper published in Nano Letters on using single-molecule imaging to reveal the in-situ activation of metal oxide photocatalysts through redox-active surface ligands!

Congratulations to Paul Alivisatos for being named the 2021 Priestley Medalist!

May 2022

Congratulations to undergraduate Sarah Wu for winning the American Chemical Society Inorganic Award at Washington University!

Congratulations to undergraduate Julie Lampert for winning a Summer Undergraduate Research Award at Washington University to conduct research in the Sadtler lab this summer!

Congratulations to Bryce Sadtler who will be promoted to Associate Professor in Chemistry in July!

Congratulations to our undergraduate researchers on their grad school admissions!

Sarah Wu will be going to the University of Texas Austin to pursue a PhD in Chemistry.

Imani Jones will be going to the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign to pursue a PhD in Chemistry.

Sadtler research group 2022

Dec 2021

Congratulations to graduate student Dong Wang on the successful defense of his PhD thesis!

Dec 2021

Congratulations to graduate student Che Tan on the successful defense of her PhD thesis!

Congratulations to former postdoc Dr. Wenlei Zhu on being promoted to the Jiangsu Distinguished Professorship at Nanjing University!

August 2021

Congraduations to alumnus Dr. Meikun Shen on his recent manuscript published in JACS! Single-molecule colocalization imaging reveals how defects control the spatial distribution of charge-carrier extraction from semiconductor photocatalysts.

Congratulations to alumnus Dr. Chu Qin on her new position as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics at Zhejiang Sci-Tech University.

April 2021

Congratulations to our undergraduate researchers on their grad school admissions!

Brandon Campbell will be going to Harvard University to pursue a PhD in Chemistry.

Logan Brennan will be going to the University of California at Irvine to pursue a PhD in Chemistry.

Ashton Barber will be going to the University of Wisconsin at Madison to pursue a PhD in Neuroscience. 

Congratulations to Dr. Chu Qin on her successful PhD defense! Good luck in her future research at the Shenzen Institute of Advanced Technology.

February 2021

Congratulations to Meikun on a successful defense of his PhD thesis!

Best wishes to his future journey!

June 2020

Congratulations to Paul Alivisatos for being named the 2021 Priestley Medalist!

Congratulations to Meikun for publishing a paper on imaging changes in the photocatalytic activity of BiOBr nanoplates during photodoping in the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters!

Congratulations to Brandon Campbell, an undergraduate researcher in the Sadtler lab, for being awarded a Barry Goldwater Scholarship!

February 2020

Scientific American recently highlighted Chu’s research on using light as a chemical reagent to transform inorganic nanostructures.

Scientists Sculpt Nanoparticle Shells with Light

WashU’s “the Source” recently highlighted Meikun’s research on imaging the structural features that make photocatalysts active when making solar fuels. 

Walking the wire: Real-time imaging helps reveal active sites of photocatalysts

January 2020

Meikun’s manuscript on imaging photocatalytic reactions in single tungsten oxide nanowires and Dong’s manuscript on anion exchange in single CsPbCl3 nanocrystals have just been published in ACS Catalysis and the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters!

Nanoscale Colocalization of Fluorogenic Probes Reveals the Role of Oxygen Vacancies in the Photocatalytic Activity of Tungsten Oxide Nanowires

Role of Solid-State Miscibility during Anion Exchange in Cesium Lead Halide Nanocrystals Probed by Single-Particle Fluorescence

September 2019

Chu’s manuscript on light-driven transformations in copper oxide has been accepted for publication in Chemistry of Materials!

Light-Driven, Facet-Selective Transformation of Cuprous Oxide Microcrystals to Hollow Copper Nanoshells

July 2019

Brandon Campbell, undergraduate researcher in the Sadtler group, has been selected as a MARC U-STAR scholar!

March 2019

January 2019

Welcome new lab member Jiang Luo to the Sadtler group!

Bo Yin has successfully defended his thesis for a PhD in Materials Science & Engineering!

June 2017

Sadtler has been named an “Emerging Investigator 2017″ by the Journal of Materials Chemistry C”

Journal of Materials Chemistry C profiles: Contributors to the Emerging Investigators 2017 Issue

March 2017

Our review article on the light-directed growth of nanostructures has been published in the Journal of Materials Chemistry C! 

Light-directed growth of metal and semiconductor nanostructures

Summer high school student, Aditya Gokhale, was selected as a finalist at the Academy of Science St. Louis Science Fair!

Bo’s paper on the defect chemistry of ternary silver halide nanocrystals was published in Chemistry of Materials! 

Compositionally Induced Twin Defects Control the Shape of Ternary Silver Halide Nanocrystals