The Program Directors serve as co-chairs of the Steering Committee and must be a full-time Washington University faculty with PMB as primary DBBS affiliation. Only Program members who are full-time Washington University faculty are eligible to participate in the selection of Steering Committee members and selection of the Program Director(s).
The Steering Committee is responsible for advising program directors and establishing Program guidelines. The Committee is composed of faculty whose primary affiliations are with the PMB Program.
PMB students select 1-2 representatives to the Steering Committee to provide feedback and suggestions from the students’ perspective. At least one adjunct faculty member from a partner institution also serves as a representative to the Steering Committee.
The current PMB Steering Committee consists of:
Program Directors: Hani Zaher & Xuehua Zhong
Program Steering Committee: Joshua Blodgett, Arpita Bose, Ram Dixit, Barbara Kunkel, Michele LeRoux, Petra Levin, Dmitri Nusinow, Rachel Penczykowski, Courtney Reichhardt, Jim Umen (DDPSC), Steven Mennerick (DBBS), Cami Spampani (DBBS)
Graduate student representatives to the Steering Committee: Dong-gyu Kim, Emmily Moses
Program Coordinator: Lakrisha Smith