External Fellowships

Students are encouraged to apply for national competitive fellowships, such as the NSF Graduate Research Fellowships

Entering Student Opportunities

When applying to DBBS, applicants are also considered for Ann W. and Spencer T. Olin-Chancellor’s Fellowship (OCF).

Fellowship Opportunities for Admitted Students

William H. Danforth Plant Sciences Fellowship


This fellowship seeks to foster a culture of intellectual entrepreneurship focused on research, leadership, and innovation in plant science, including research ranging from agriculture to medicine and from energy production to climate change.  The fellowship is open to first-year Washington University graduate students in any DBBS affiliated laboratory with a thesis project in the general area of plant science.

Selected students receive a 4-year fellowship that covers yearly stipend plus $2,000 additional per year for project supplies, meeting attendance, and research-related travel.  Danforth Fellows will be expected to complete their program courses, take the Fellows Gateway Course (advanced elective), participate in additional Career Development Activities, and finish a Ph.D. thesis.

Imaging Sciences Pathway

Graduate students completing this pathway will be poised to follow a unique career trajectory, which may involve imaging technology development, the chemistry and use of novel contrast agents, the visualization and manipulation of macromolecular complexes and organelles in cells and in animals, and the application of these technologies to the visualization of human disease states.  For application information, please visit the website.

Agriculture and Food Research Initiative – Food, Agriculture, Natural Resources and Human Sciences Education and Literacy Initiative

The USDA-NIFA-AFRI program provides fellowships to undergraduate, predoctoral, and postdoctoral students in the agricultural sciences.  Students interested in the predoctoral fellowships need to be past the thesis proposal stage in their training.  Students who meet the criteria will apply in the spring of their third year and receive funding for the fourth and fifth years. For more information, visit their website.