Publications (while working with Professor Alian Wang)
- Yang Liu, Timothy A. Goudge, Jeffrey G. Catalano, Alian Wang, (2018), Spectral and Stratigraphic Mapping of Hydrated Minerals Associated with Interior Layered Deposits near the Southern Wall of Melas Chasma, Mars, ICARUS, p62 -79,
- Liu Yang, Alian Wang, (2015), Dehydration of Na-jarosite, Ferricopiapite, and Rhomboclase at Temperatures of 50 ºC and 95 ºC: Implications for Martian Ferric Sulfates, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, v10,, DOI: 10.1002/jrs.4655
- Yang Liu, Alian Wang, 2014, Dehydration of Mars relevant ferric sulfates at high temperatures studied by laser Raman spectroscopy. Abstract #5036 for 11th GeoRaman International Conference
- Yang Liu, Alian Wang, John J. Freeman (2009), Raman, MIR, And NIR Spectroscopic Study of Calcium Sulfates: Gypsum, Bassanite, and Anhydrite, abstract #2128 for 40th Lunar & Planetary Sciences Conference, Houston.