Zhongchen (Daniel) Wu

Postdoctoral Research Associate (2015-2016)

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Publications (while working with Professor Alian Wang)
  1. Z. C. Wu, Alian Wang, William M. Farrell, Y. C. Yan, Kun Wang, J. Houghton (2018), Forming perchlorates on Mars through plasma chemistry during dust events, Earth and Planetary Science Letter, V504, 94-105, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2018.08.040.
  2. Wu, Z. C, Alian Wang, Y. C. Yan, K. Wang, J. Houghton, W. M. Farrell, and Andrew Jackson, Perchlorate Formation by Electrochemistry in Martian Dust Events – I, abstract for 14th International GeoRaman Conference.
  3. Wu Z. C., Alian Wang, Z. C. Ling (2016), Spectroscopic Study of Perchlorates and Other Oxygen Chlorides in a Martian Environmental Chamber, EPSL, 452, 123-132.
  4. Wu Z. C., Jiang Zhang, Zongcheng Ling, Weijie Xua, Kaichen Guo, Pablo Sobron, Alian Wang, Influence of Simulated Martian Environment Conditions on LIBS spectra, abstract for The 3rd Beijing International Forum on Lunar and Deep Space Exploration
  5.  Wu Z. C., Alian Wang (2016), Oxidants Generated by Electrostatic Discharge in a Martian Environmental Chamber – Implication for Perchlorates Formation on Mars, Abstract #2227 for 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (Houston, TX)
  6. Wu Z. C., Alian Wang, Zongcheng Ling, Weijie Xu (2015), Pathway study of Cl-cycle on Mars, Step-I & II: Oxychlorine Salts and Electrostatic Discharge Phenomenon in a Mars Chamber, Abstract #70053 for 2015 Fall Meeting of American Geophysical Union (San Francisco)
  7. Wu Z. C., Alian Wang, Zongcheng Ling, Jiang Zhang, Bo Li, and Yuheng Ni (2015), Identification and Detection Limits of Perchlorate-Chlorate in Mixtures by Vibrational  Spectroscopy, abstract #2710 for 46th Lunar and Planetary Science conferences. 


 Current position: Professor at ShanDong University (Weihai)