Understanding the relationships between physical activity and climate change

person walking on a trail on a cloudy day

An umbrella review to discover practical recommendations for encouraging physical activity in a changing climate

Human participation in physical activity is affected by climate change, and some facets of physical activity can either help or hinder efforts towards climate mitigation and adaptation. For example, warming temperatures in some parts of the world could encourage use of active transportation such as walking or cycling, reducing carbon emissions; in other parts of the world, or in other seasons, extreme heat events could mean increased use of personal vehicles (and following, increased local emissions of pollutants like CO2 and particulate matter).

Understanding the relationships between physical activity and climate change is important for both human and planetary health. The first of its kind, this forthcoming umbrella review aims to summarize the evidence about these relationships, identify gaps in current knowledge, and inform actions to advance physical activity and climate change research, practices, and policies.