CtB labeled retinal ganglion cell axon boutons from the left and right eye terminating in the dLGN.
Mouse retinal amacrine cell reconstructed with electron microscopy (red). Custom algorithms plot the skeleton (green) and average volume (blue) of neurites.
Confocal image of retinal ganglion cell layer transgenically labeled RGCs (green), nuclei DAPI (blue) and background labeled with sulfarhodamine (red).
Electron micrograph of mouse retinal bipolar cell terminal
Model of retinal waves refining retinogeniculate connectivity inspired by 3DEM reconstructions of mouse dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) microcircuitry. A) Simulated retinal waves. B) Stimulus presented to the retina. C) image transmitted to dLGN prior to refinement. D) Simple Hebbian refinement. E) Hebbian refinement plus input fasciculation. F) 3DEM reconstruction of dLGN microcircuitry.
Electron microscopic reconstruction of thalamocortical cells (blue) innervated by a local interneuron (red) in the mouse dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus.
Annotated electron micrograph showing retinal ganglion cell boutons clustered around thalamocortical cell dendrites in the mouse dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus.
3DEM reconstruction of mouse dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN). Left = EM volume. Middle = Segmentation of a subset of neurons. Right = Thalamocortical cell (red) innervated by a retinal ganglion cell (gree) and tectal axon (blue). Retinal ganglion cell axon myelin is white.
Electron micrograph of the optic tract and surface of the mouse LGN
Stereopair of two overlapping thalamocortical cell subnetworks (red and green)
Perforated bouton in mouse LGN. Spines of thalamocortical cell dendrites perforate the presynaptic bouton of a retinal ganglion cell axon.
Tracings of five thalamocortical cell dendritic arbors from a 3D EM volume of mouse LGN.
Retinal ganglion cell axons innervating at thalamocortical cell in the mouse LGN.
Tracings of four thalamocortical cell dendritic arbors from a 3D EM volume of mouse LGN.