List below are recording related blog posts. If you are interesting in reserving time in a studio space, please click this link to see what options are available:
Recording: Advanced Testing Brown Bag (December 4, 2020)
This brown bag was a discussion facilitated by Jason Crandall and Meghann Pytka on topics related to testing within the Canvas LMS. The topics covered included: Kaltura vs Canvas Quizzes for video lecture assessment; extended time for accommodations; take home Canvas Quizzes; bonus questions; student-selected questions; and administering multiple exam versions. The session recording is […]
Recording: Assessment Brown Bag (September 3)
Our eighth brown bag was a moderated discussion facilitated by Jay Turner on various topics related to assessment and academic integrity. Patty Weisensee, Emily Boyd, and Jim Feher shared their experiences with take-home tests, Zoom proctored exams, and Respondus Monitor. Jay also shared thoughts from Young-Shin Jin about using oral exams, and fielded questions and […]
Recording: Zoom moderator training (September 8)
Below is the recording of the Zoom moderator training. We addressed various Zoom settings and roles, and also discussed control of the pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) cameras in university pooled classrooms. I’ve also linked to the slide deck for this presentation here. Click here to view Zoom moderator training. UDPATE: If you are trying to use the […]
Recording: Technology Tools Brown Bag (August 28th)
Our seventh virtual brown bag was held on August 28th. The instructional design team answered questions about Zoom, Kaltura, Gradescope, and Canvas. The recording is a Zoom recording that was processed and hosted in Kaltura. For your convenience, we’ve added Chapters to this recording that highlight when each topic was discussed. You can find the […]
Recording: Classroom Teaching Technology Virtual Brown Bag (August 20)
Our sixth virtual brown bag was held on August 20th from one of the pooled classrooms on Danforth campus. During this demonstration, Emily Boyd showed how to use the pooled classroom technology to deliver a hybrid lecture to students in-person and online simultaneously. Emily modeled the use of a tablet, a doc cam, and a […]