Postdoctoral Research Scholar in Stem Cell Biology and Neural Development
Postdoctoral Research in Human Stem Cell Biology, Transcriptional and Epigenetic Regulation, and Neurodevelopmental Disorders
We are seeking Postdoctoral Research Scientists to join research projects investigating the basis of neurodevelopmental disorders in the laboratory of Kristen Kroll at Washington University School of Medicine. We work in collaboration with Washington University’s Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center, using directed differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells (embryonic stem cells and patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells), mouse models, and a wide range of cellular, molecular, genetic, and genomic approaches, to elucidate gene regulatory networks that control the specification and differentiation of specific human neuronal cell types, such as cortical interneurons. We are using genome-wide epigenomic analyses to identify new transcriptional and epigenetic controls that regulate these networks and mechanisms through which their dysregulation contributes to neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability syndromes, brain overgrowth disorders, and pediatric epilepsies. For additional information about our ongoing work and research interests, please see: https://sites.wustl.edu/krolllab/
Our laboratory is in an academic setting in the Department of Developmental Biology at Washington University School of Medicine (St. Louis), an internationally recognized research institution with a dynamic research environment and extensive infrastructural and core facility support. Postdoctoral appointees at Washington University receive a starting salary based on the NIH NRSA guidelines and a generous benefit package (http://postdoc.wustl.edu/policies-benefits).
Complete information on the benefit package is located on the WUSM Human Resources Benefits Website (http://medschoolhr.wustl.edu). The St. Louis area combines the attractions of a major city with family-friendly and affordable lifestyle opportunities (https://explorestlouis.com/).
Candidates should hold a PhD, with preference given to applicants with a strong interest in and research training relevant to the areas of brain development and neurodevelopmental disorders, stem cell biology, transcriptional or epigenetic regulation, and genetic, genomic, and bioinformatic analyses. Interested candidates should send a cover letter, CV, and names of references by email to kkroll@wustl.edu.