Nana-Agyeman Kusi

Nana-Agyeman Kusi

Senior at WashU, majoring in Computational Biology and Genomics

Senior at WashU, majoring in Computational Biology and Genomics

Born in Accra, Ghana, Nana moved to Tampa Bay, FL, USA when she was 5 to attend school, while spending all of her breaks and summers with her family in Ghana 

Alma mater: Academy at the Lakes, Land O’Lakes, FL

Here at WashU, Nana works in the Lopéz-Gordon lab, studying phenotypic plasticity as a function of diet quality in the Trinidadian guppy

Nana was an executive board member of the African Students’ Association (check out their cultural expo this month!)

She is also a member of the Minority Association of Rising Scientists (MARS) and Girls Who Code WashU, and  serves on the Biology Inclusion Committee

After graduation, Nana will be a post-bac Cancer Research Training Fellow at the NIH, then plans to earn her MD/PhD studying treatment-resistant breast cancers

Nana loves cooking, film photography and is traditionally trained in Ghanaian dance