JEOL 1200 EX II Transmission Electron Microscope
Equipped with an 8 mega pixel AMT digital camera.
LEICA Ultracut UC6 with EM FCS cryo attachment
LEICA Ultracut UC7 with EM FC7 cryo attachment
LEICA EM PACT2 high pressure freezer and LEICA AFS2 automatic freeze substitution system.
ImmunoEM Projects (Cryo and Low Temp Embedding) $170/sample
Processing, sectioning, immunolabeling, and staining only.
Does not include electron microscope analyses.
Requires that individual investigator has appropriately screened
fixation conditions and antibody concentrations.
Resin Embedded Projects $170/sample
Processing, sectioning, and staining only.
Does not include electron microscope analyses.
Technical Support $50/hr
Negative staining, extra sectioning, image transfer, etc…
Electron Microscope
Sample analysis by Imaging Facility. $90/hr
(instrument fee plus technical support)
Independent use. $40/hr
Ultramicrotome Independent Use $40/hr
These fees are applicable to users within the Washington University community.
For users outside of Washington University, please inquire.