On September 4, the National Council of Jewish Women-St. Louis (NCJW) and HTCN held the Marketing a Movement Workshop in the NCJW Building in St. Louis. The goal of the workshop was to present and discuss effective strategies to market the movement to end human trafficking and sexual exploitation.

The workshop included a “Marketing a Movement” presentation by Anne K. Ream and Katie Feifer from the Voices and Faces Project based in Chicago. They discussed the implementation and success of the Ugly Truth Campaign in Chicago and other cities across the United States. They highlighted the importance of media and marketing in prevention and intervention efforts for human trafficking and sexual exploitation, and effective ways to target and impact an audience. The presentation was followed by questions from the attendees and a moderated discussion within the group about how to implement these strategies in St. Louis. Major barriers to marketing a prevention movement specifically in St. Louis were also examined.

25 individuals in various sectors (legal, non-profit, healthcare, social services, advocacy, research) who are leading the movement for human trafficking prevention and intervention in St. Louis and/or Missouri attended the workshop. Some testimonials are below:

“I truly believe if we as Stl’ians can begin to work together as not only a community but along with community leaders we could make effective change possible along with education and effective marketing and advertising of this epidemic.”

“Please take input from the many service providers before you develop your toolkit.”

For more information about the statistics behind stories of trafficking, visit World Without Exploitation for some of the most reliable research available and helpful infographics.