• Circadian tutorial. A good place to start! A brief lesson with links to several useful tutorials.
  • Clockwork genes. Geared towards high schoolers, includes online animations and video of lectures by Drs. Joe Takahashi and Michael Rosbash, produced by the HHMI.
  • BIO 4031. Biological Clocks at Washington University by Dr. Erik Herzog.
  • Mammalian clock.  Animation of the molecular basis of the murine circadian clock.
  • Fly clock. Animation of the molecular basis of the Drosophila circadian clock.
  • Photoperiodism in mammals. A summary by Dr. Bruce Goldman
  • “What wakes us up?” A lecture during the Virtual Neuroscience Conference for Teenagers 2020.  Dr. Herzog is the fourth speaker (2:05.40-2:42.40)