General volunteering allows volunteers to consistently work with community partners on a weekly basis or as needed by our partners. We understand that a big part of addressing systemic problems in St. Louis is to talk about them and to support various organizations that are working to address the crises and fill in the gaps. A large part of our work involves outreaches where we meet folks at their residences and offer resources such as prepackaged meals and hygiene kits. We also help run emergency winter shelters where we work to provide a warm place for folks who may not have access to a warm place to spend the night.
What sort of events does the general volunteering project organize?
On a weekly basis, general volunteering participates in community outreaches with our partner organizations. When general volunteering is not out and about in the local community, members have also helped package hygiene kits for our community partners.
Who are the general volunteering project’s favorite community partner(s) to work with?
General volunteering’s favorite community partner is TentMissionSTL. TentMissionSTL is staffed with highly dedicated volunteers who really understand the problems within the local community, and are doing their part to alleviate it. They are highly resourceful, and the general volunteering project always looks forward to working with them.
What are some goals that the general volunteering project has for the upcoming semester?
General volunteering would like to fill more emergency winter shelters this season. Every year, our community partners are overworked from running shelters and doing outreaches, and general volunteering hopes to provide them with the support they need.