Vishnuvardhan Thotakura

Vishnuvardhan Thotakura

Vishnuvardhan Thotakura took his graduation in a bachelor’s from Medical School in India and currently pursuing a master’s in Public Health at Brown School at WashU as a full-time student.  He specializes in Epidemiology and Biostatistics, with which he aspires to acquire strength in the research arena and equip the thought process to manage health beyond just clinical intervention.  He worked as a teaching assistant in the Department of Anatomy, Dr. PSIMS and RF for nearly an year, alongside took part in voluntary activities involving children in need of education and mental health support. Currently, as a Graduate Research Assistant in GRID, he is working for the project EEQAP, tracking attrition and reviewing reports. He is enthusiastic to work on research topics in Internal medicine and pediatrics in near future.