Munib Sohail
Munib Sohail is currently working with National Rural Support Progamme (NRSP) in Pakistan as Project Coordinator for Pakistan on the project Education Equity and Quality Education for Afghanistan & Pakistan. His research career spans the not-for-profit, academic and commercial sectors, working in international development, media and C4D Research and Analysis. He has led research teams for various qualitative and quantitative research projects across Pakistan.
He is a professional in the fields of project management, monitoring & evaluation and research having more than 10 years of experience and exposure to big donor-funded projects.
Backed with a Research and Project Management majors in Business Administration, Munib has designed research tools, methodologies and executed research projects as per the needs of the donors/clients. These include research for many well-esteemed National as well as International Organizations like UNICEF, British High Commission, Aga Khan Foundation, M&C Saatchi World Services, MSI Worldwide, USAID, World Food Program, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Devolutions for Trust & Community Empowerment (DTCE), Pakistan Peace Collective and Government of Pakistan.
His core expertise include developing analytical frameworks, research design and tools, capacity building & technical report writing. An experienced moderator with one-on-one in-depth interviews, dyads, triads, mini, gangs and regular Focus Group Discussions etc. Examples of studies carried out so far include Baseline studies, Concept testing, Radio Listenership, KAP surveys, Perception and Attitude Studies, channel viewership research, pre & post product testing studies etc.