The National Disability Survey in Afghanistan, or NDSA, was commissioned by the Afghan government to better grasp the various facets of disability in the country: to better understand those that were visible, and to bring into light those that were often not visible. It aimed to present a comprehensive view of the disability picture in the country, a picture that could, in turn, contribute to a better understanding and recognition of the social diversity of persons with disability in Afghanistan. Some findings presented in this report were in line with the outlook that various partners had, others were more unexpected and forced a different approach of reality. The identification of the specific needs and the understanding of the exclusion mechanisms that slowly but surely marginalize a large part of the population with disability, and taking measure to prevent these, are a first step to mainstreaming and empowering all persons with disability. Knowledge of what the social, cultural, physical and institutional barriers are, is crucial to fight exclusion. The NDSA attempted to answer the basic question: why and when does impairment become disability? What are the various mechanisms that trigger exclusion and how can this be prevented in the long run?
The NDSA aims to bridge the knowledge gap that exists regarding the number, the health, educational and employment situation, the livelihoods and the social integration of Afghans with disability.