Delve into the unique perspectives of our diverse student body — including our cultural backgrounds, relationships, and religion — and see how they impact the study of medicine.

Diversity of perspective makes our class great. Here are some of the lenses through which we view the world.

Everyone approaches medical school differently; here are some ways that have worked for us.

Our Furry Friends
Dog or cat person? Maybe both or neither? Hear from us about our experience taking care of our non-human friends in this city.

Find out how students continue to practice their faith while in St. Louis.

Advice on navigating interpersonal relationships alongside your academic endeavors.

Where We’ve Been
We all come from different places. See how we stay true to our roots in medical school.

Sports and the Outdoors
Do you even lift, bruh? Need a 40+ mile path for biking? What’s you’re favorite yoga pose? Find out how we have fun while burning off some steam.

The Arts
Sometimes you need a little Bob Ross to help de-stress from classes. Hear about how students get creative.
Section Editor:

Shireen Roy
Perspectives Section Editor
Hi, y’all! I grew up mostly in Plano, Texas, and went to school at Yale in New Haven, Connecticut, where I majored in psychology. Before med school, I got my MPH from the Yale School of Public Health. Outside of school, I love reading, baking, taking long walks in Forest Park, obsessing over pop culture, and hanging out with friends. I also love animals — dogs, cats, crows, you name it! Feel free to ask me about public health, pets in med school, or anything else you can think of!