Cortical Neuron Culture
Reagents and animals
Mice or rat
Neuronal Media (Make Fresh)
Total Volume = 12ml/plate * # of 96 well plates (Thermo Scientific 167425)
- Neurobasal (Thermo 21103049 )
- Pen/Strep 1:100
- B27 Plus (Thermo A3582801) 1:50
- Glutamax (Thermo 35-050-061) 1:100
Trypsin Solution
3ml of .05% Trypsin and 1:50 of DNase 10mg/ml stock (Worthington Biochemical LS002139) per pool of cortices
- Coat plates for minimum 4 hours at 37ºC with Poly-D-Lysine (PDL; Thermo ICN10269490) 1mg/ml diluted 1:10 in sterile water.
- Wash 3x with water for 3 minutes each (can be stored at -20 ºC)
Dissociated Culture
- Dissect cortices into a tube containing Hibernate E (Thermo A1247601) on ice
- Remove Hibernate E and add 3ml of pre-warmed Trypsin solution +60ul DNase (10mg/ml)
- Triturate 3-5x to break up cortices into pieces and incubate for 25 minutes at 37ºC
- Centrifuge at 500 x g for 5 min andremove as much Trypsin solution as possible
- Resuspend to 3ml with Neuronal Media and Triturate 40x with P1000
- Filter cell suspension through 100uM filter
- Wash filter with an additional 1ml Neuronal Media
- Take 10ul of resuspended neurons and add 190ul Trypan blue
- Load 10ul on a hemocytometer and count the number of neurons
- Resuspend the desired number of cells in your plating volume (30,000 per one 96 well, 120,000 per 24 well)
- Immediately after plating, do not move the plate for 10 minutes
- Leave it in the hood during this time