The Cavalli Lab aims to understand the mechanisms that orchestrate nerve repair and then use that information to improve healing in the damaged brain and injured spinal cord.

We also seek to understand how the glial cells that wrap sensory neurons contribute to sensory function and dysfunction in health and disease states.


Our lab

The Cavalli Lab is led by Dr. Valeria Cavalli, the Robert E. and Louise F. Dunn Professor of Biomedical Research and Professor of Neuroscience at WashU Medicine.

We are a group of passionate scientists dedicated to understanding the basic mechanisms of neural injury and repair. Although we are serious about science, we are creative and love to pursue our interests outside the lab. Get to know us!

If you are interested in joining the lab, see our opportunities or contact Dr. Cavalli:

Picture of Cavalli Lab with eight people (five women; three men) standing in a row in an atrium with staircase behind.
Courtesy of Rui Feng, Dan Carlin and Pauline Meriau