The Buder Center works with a variety of research centers, organizations and professionals who are committed to meaningful research with and for Native communities. Some of our partners include:

Brown School Office of Diversity, Inclusion & Equity
The Brown School holds social justice and equity as guiding principles in our work, and these values direct our community’s efforts around diversity and inclusion.

Center for Innovation in Child Maltreatment Policy, Research and Training
The Center for Innovation in Child Maltreatment Policy, Research and Training is dedicated to advancing science to prevent child maltreatment and, when prevention is not possible, to effectively intervene to promote healthy outcomes.

Center for Mental Health Services Research (CMHSR)
The Center for Mental Health Services Research (CMHSR), through its national network of research partners, works with social service and mental health agencies to build a base of evidence to address the challenges of delivering mental health services to vulnerable populations.

Center for Social Development (CSD)
The Center for Social Development (CSD) undertakes domestic and international research testing social innovations and uses evidence to inform policy and practice. The center is well known for innovations in asset building for family security and development.

Center for Violence Injury Prevention (CVIP)
The Center for Violence Injury Prevention (CVIP) promotes healthy young families and healthy young adults by advancing evidence-based, real-world strategies to prevent child maltreatment, intimate partner violence, sexual violence and suicide attempts.

Health Communications Research Lab (HCRL)
The Health Communications Research Laboratory (HCRL) is one of the leading centers in the U.S. dedicated to the research, development and dissemination of health communication programs that enhance the health of individuals and populations.

Program for the Elimination of Cancer Disparities (PECaD)
The mission of Siteman Cancer Center’s Program for the Elimination of Cancer Disparities (PECaD) is to create a national model for eliminating local and regional disparities in cancer education, prevention and treatment.

Social Systems Design Lab (SSDL)
The Social Systems Design Lab (SSDL) advances the science and application of system dynamics in organizations and communities. The SSDL specializes in developing participatory methods and workshops for engaging communities an organizations to design innovative solutions in complex social systems using casual maps and formal models with computer simulation.

Center for Diabetes Translation Research (WU-CDTR)
The Center for Diabetes Translation Research (WU-CDTR) aims to eliminate disparities by fostering research collaborations, catalyzing new ideas, and assisting investigators in conducting T3 (translating clinical findings into everyday practice in real world settings) and T4 research (testing and implementing solutions at a community or population level) among populations at risk for diabetes and obesity.