As a student, you will expand your education outside of the classroom by first completing a foundation practicum or field placement within St. Louis.  If you concentrate in AI/AN, your concentration fieldwork requires you to complete at least 360 hours (3 credits) in a setting serving Native communities.  This placement can be on a reservation or with tribal, social, educational, or governmental agencies.

The Buder Center has established a network throughout Native communities to help you secure your practica.  Past Buder scholars have also worked within their own network to establish a site in their area of interest, including children youth, and family; community and economic development; education; gerontology; government; health; and mental health.

Sample Practicum Sites

  • Cahokia Mounds (Collinsville, Ill.)
  • Cherokee Elder Care/PACE (Tahlequah, Ok.)
  • Haskell Indian Nations University (Lawrence, Kan.)
  • Intertribal Council of Arizona (Phoenix, Az.)
  • National Indian Child Welfare Association (Portland, Ore.)
  • Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin (Oneida, Wis.)
  • Udall Native American Congressional Internship (Washington, DC)

Social Workers Advancing through Grounded Education (SAGE)

The SAGE program recruits, trains and financially supports Brown School Master of Social Work and Master of Public Health students who are interested in completing 360 hours of their practica in Native communities.

For additional information, please visit the Field Education page for the Brown School.