Overcoming Addiction, Professor Tackles Perils American Indians Face

The visitor to Haskell Indian Nations University detailed his roaring 20s: drug addict, garbage collector, suicidal burnout once told by a doctor that he was mentally retarded. It was a curious way to inspire a group of young American Indian students long surrounded by these types of problems. Until he got to the good part. […]

A Testament in Chalk

Kristin Szczepaniec wrote an article for Teach for America explaining the importance of Native Education.  She talked about her experience at the National Indian Education Association Legislative Summit. “Our team had many objectives: to express the need for identifying and developing culturally relevant curriculum; to discuss possible legislative actions and funding streams to support Native […]

Why the R*dsk*ns Need to Change Their Name

Amanda Blackhorse, MSW, 2009, and others recently petitioned the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to revoke the Washington team’s trademark on the name Washington R*dsk*ns. The Washington NFL team needs to change its name. I am a proud member of the Navajo Nation and it demeans me and other Native Americans. I find the casual […]