Ganohalidasdi. Agwasudi. Gatlisodi. Hunt. Fish. Gather. Demonstration
November 3, 2022
On November 3rd and 4th, the Buder Center, in partnership with Missouri Humanities and Washington University in St. Louis Dinning Services, hosted the 2022 Hunt. Fish. Gather. program. This year, we were joined by Chef Nephi Craig (White Mountain Apache/Navajo), founder of the Native American Culinary Association, a network dedicated to the research, refinement, and development of Native American cuisine.
Episode 8 of the Eat, THINK, & Be Merry Podcast features Chef Nephi Craig (White Mountain Apache/Navajo). In this episode, Craig talks about his journey and his work. Chef Nephi has 24 years of culinary experience and is the founder of the Native American Culinary Association. Craig provides training, workshops, and lecture sessions on Native American Cuisine to schools, restaurants, and tribal entities across America and abroad.
The Eat, THINK, & Be Merry Podcast is part of the Missouri Humanities’ 2022 Signature Series. For more information or to listen to additional episodes visit the website.