Lambert, A. J., Eadeh, F. R., & Hanson, E. J. (2019). Anger and its consequences for judgment and behavior: Recent developments in social and political psychology. Advances in Experimental Social PsychologyPDF

Eadeh, F. R., Peak, S. A., & Lambert, A. J. (2017). The bittersweet taste of revenge: On the negative and positive consequences of retaliation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 68, 27-39. PDF

Peak, S., Hanson, E., Eadeh, F., and Lambert, A. (2016). On the light versus dark side of empathy: Implications for intergroup dynamics in a diverse society. In W. Tate IV, N. Staudt, & A. Macrander (Eds)The Crisis of Race in Higher Education: A Day of Discovery and Dialogue.  PDF

Ottati, V., Wilson, C. & Lambert, A. J. (2016). Accessibility, priming, and political judgment. Current Opinion in Psychology, 12, 15. PDF

Lambert, A. J., Eadeh, F. R., Peak, S. A., Scherer, L. D., Schott, J. P., & Slochower, J. (2014). Towards a greater understanding of the emotional dynamics of the mortality salience manipulation: Revisiting the “affect free” claim of terror management research. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 106, 655-678. PDF

Lambert, A. J., Peak, S.A., Eadeh, F.R, Schott, J.P. (2014). How do you feel now?  On the perceptual distortion of extremely recent changes in anger.  Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 52, 82-95. PDF

Lambert, A.J. & Scherer, L.D. (2013). Measurement and Methodology in Social Cognition: An Historical Perspective In D. Carlston (Ed.). Oxford Handbook of  Social Cognition. Oxford University Press. PDF

Scherer, L. D., & Lambert, A. J. (2012).   Implicit race bias revisited: On the utility of  task context in assessing implicit attitude strength. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.  PDF

Lambert, A.J., Schott, J.P. & Scherer, L.D.  (2011).  Threat, politics and attitudes: Toward a greater understanding of rally round the flag effects. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 20, 343-398.  PDF

Schott, J.P., Scherer, L.D. & Lambert, A.J. (2011). Casualties of war and sunk costs: Implications for attitude change and persuasion.  Journal of Experimental Social  Psychology.  PDF

Lambert, A.J., Scherer, L.D., Schott, J.P., Olson, K, Andrews, R., Zisser, A., & O’Brien, T. C. (2010). Rally effects, threat, and attitude change: An integrative approach to understanding the role of emotion.   Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 98, 886-903. PDF

Scherer, L. D. & Lambert, A. J. (2009). Contrast effects in priming paradigms: Implications for theory and research on implicit attitudes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 97, 383­-403.  PDF

Scherer, L. D. & Lambert, A. J. (2009). Counterstereotypic exemplars in context: Evidence for intracategory differentiation using implicit measures. Social Cognition, 27, 523­-550.   PDF

Lambert, A. J., Scherer, L., Rogers, C., Jacoby. L.L. (2009).  How does collective memory create a sense of the collective?, In P. Boyer & J. Wertsch (Eds.), Memory in Mind and Culture. New York: Cambridge University Press.    PDF

Lehavot, K,. & Lambert, A. J. (2007) Toward a greater understanding of antigay prejudice: On the role of sexual orientation and gender role violation, Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 29, 279-292.  PDF

Lambert, A. J., Payne, B. K., Ramsey, S., & Shaffer, L. M.  (2005)  On the predictive validity of implicit attitude measures: The moderating effect of perceived group variability Journal of Experimental Social Psychology,41,114-128.   PDF

Lambert, A. J., Chasteen, A. L. & Payne, B. K., & Shaffer, L. M. (2004). Typicality and group variability as dual moderators of category-based inferences.   Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 40, 708-722.   PDF

Olson, K.R., Lambert, A. J. & Zacks, J. M. (2004).  Graded structure and the speed  category verification: On the moderating effects of SOA for social vs. nonsocial   categories. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 40, 239-246.  PDF

Payne, B.K., Jacoby, L. L. & Lambert, A. J. (2004). Memory monitoring and the control of stereotype distortion.  Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.   40, 52-64.   PDF

Lambert, A. J., Payne, B. K., Jacoby, L. L. Shaffer, L. M., Chasteen, A. L. & Khan, S. K. (2003)  Stereotypes as dominant responses: On the “social facilitation” of prejudice in anticipated public contexts. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84, 277-295. PDF

Payne, B. K., Lambert, A. J., & Jacoby, L. L. (2002).  Best laid plans: Effects of goals on accessibility bias and cognitive control in race-based misperceptions of weapons. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 38, 384-396. PDF

Braman, A. & Lambert, A. J.  (2001) Punishing individuals for their infirmities: Effects of personality responsibility, just-world beliefs, and ingroup-outgroup status. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 31, 1-16. PDF

Khan, S. R., & Lambert, A. J. (2001) Perceptions of “rational discrimination”: When do people attempt to justify race-based prejudice? Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 23, 43-53. PDF

Lambert, A. J., & Raichle, K. (2000).   The role of political ideology in mediating judgments of blame in rape victims and their assailants: A test of the just world, personal responsibility, and legitimization hypotheses. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 26, 853-863.  PDF

Lambert, A. J., Burroughs, T., & Nguyen, T.  (1999) Perceptions of risk and the “buffering hypothesis”: The role of just world beliefs and right-wing authoritarianism. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 25, 643-656.   PDF

Khan, S. R. & Lambert, A. J. (1998).   Ingroup favoritism and black sheep effects in observations of informal conversations. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 20, 263-269.   PDF

Lambert, A. J., Barton, L., Lickel,  B. A.  & Wells, J.  (1998) The influence of group variability and processing goals on the ease of making decisions about social categories. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 24, 807-820.

Lambert, A. J., & Chasteen, A. L. (1997).  Perceptions of disadvantage vs.  conventionality: Political values and attitudes toward the elderly vs. Blacks. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 23, 469-481.

Lambert, A. J., Khan, S., Lickel, B., & Fricke, K. (1997).  Mood and the correction of positive vs. negative stereotypes.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2, 1002-1116.   PDF

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Lambert, A. J. (1995)  Stereotypes and social judgment:  The consequences of group variability.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 68, 388-403.    PDF

Wyer, R. S., & Budesheim, T. L., Lambert, A. J, Swan, S. (1994).  Person memory and judgment:  Pragmatic influences on impressions formed in a social context.  Journal of Personality and  Social Psychology, 2, 254-267.  PDF

Lambert, A. J., & Wedell, D. H. (1991). The self and social judgment: Effects of affective reaction and “own position” on judgments of unambiguous and ambiguous information about others. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,61,884-898.   PDF

Lambert, A. J., & Wyer, R. S. (1990).  Stereotypes and social judgment:  The effects of typicality and group heterogeneity. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 59, 676-691.  PDF

Wyer, R.S., Budesheim, T. L, & Lambert, A.J. (1990).  Cognitive representations of conversations about persons.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 58, 218-238.   PDF