Never Say Never

Never say never. This lesson has never been more relevant than it is this year. To fully grasp its significance, we need to journey back nearly a decade, to when I embarked on a career in medicine, with a focus on women’s health. During my formative years in medical school, what ignited a passion in […]

Reflections From My ACHIEVE Year

As I approach the end of my ACHIEVE training year, I find myself reflecting on the incredible journey this has been. I am so grateful for the opportunities and connections this year has afforded me, which have been pivotal in building foundational research and leadership skills for me as a young investigator. Throughout my project, […]

From Digital Whispers to Decisive Action: Mining Internet Data to Tackle Adolescent Pregnancy in Rwanda

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now” states an ancient saying, which sadly resonates with the ongoing problem of adolescent pregnancy in Rwanda. Although national-level efforts have been made to address this challenge—and tangible progress has been made— the problem persists unabated, with nearly one in […]