Notes from the Field

Rwanda to Boston: A Voyage of Learning and Growth

Reflecting on my journey with the ACHIEVE Program, I am amazed by how much I have experienced and grown in such a short time. Beginning in July 2023, I embarked on transformative training in implementation and data science that broadened my horizons and expanded my skills in ways I had never imagined.

A highlight of my training was the opportunity to undertake an external rotation at Boston College in the United States. As a native of Rwanda, known for its hot climate, stepping into Boston’s cold winter in January was a significant adjustment. However, it was precisely this contrast which made the experience so enriching.

During my time at Boston College, I worked with the Research Program on Child and Adversity (RPCA). Working alongside dedicated researchers has taught me the importance of effective teamwork and organization. I quickly adapted to the demands of coordinating qualitative data collection, improving my communication skills along the way. One of the most memorable moments of my external rotation was presenting my ACHIEVE work at the Grit Initiative Series.

Overall, my journey from Rwanda to Boston has been one of my greatest discoveries and growth. I am grateful for the opportunities provided by ACHIEVE. Moving forward, I am excited to apply the knowledge and skills I have gained to continue making a positive impact on my community and beyond.