Notes from the Field

How the ACHIEVE Training Program Has Impacted My Research Career

It is with no doubt that I can say ACHIEVE is by far the best research training program I have engaged in. With a blend of local and international research exposure, the program has enabled me to appreciate how good research practices are applied within and outside my setting. It has given me hands-on experience by allowing me to apply the acquired knowledge and skills through their various trainings to the field during the pilot research project.

Importantly, it facilitated my six-week stay at New York University (NYU) that helped me to meet and interact with research gurus in implementation research as applied to HIV and mental health. During the visit, I was also exposed to qualitative and quantitative researchers from NYU and others who greatly influenced how I viewed research in the global public health context. It also enabled me to create strong networks with devoted researchers, paving the way for future research collaborations. The regular research seminars, research in-progress presentations, online research courses, and grand rounds greatly enriched my scientific fund of knowledge and broadened my view of different health challenges. They also enabled me to share my research experience and disseminate some of our study findings for more input and deliberation at CUGH conference.

Finally, the program has brought me closer to the National Institutes of Health Fogarty International Center through frequently interacting with their technical people at different opportunities. This has made me more confident about my next steps in the field of implementation research, as I am now aiming for K43 or R21 grants.

With all of the acquired knowledge, skills, and social network, not even the sky can be the limit. Thank you ACHIEVE for such a rich and life-changing experience!