Beyond the Numbers: Faces of Adolescent Pregnancy in Rwanda

As explained in my earlier post, my research primarily uses internet data and advanced AI techniques to uncover the hidden concerns of teenagers and their caretakers—topics often too sensitive for open discussion. However, to truly understand the issue, I’ve found it crucial to meet those affected face-to-face. I recently visited the Nyagatare District in eastern […]

Never Say Never

Never say never. This lesson has never been more relevant than it is this year. To fully grasp its significance, we need to journey back nearly a decade, to when I embarked on a career in medicine, with a focus on women’s health. During my formative years in medical school, what ignited a passion in […]

Reflections From My ACHIEVE Year

As I approach the end of my ACHIEVE training year, I find myself reflecting on the incredible journey this has been. I am so grateful for the opportunities and connections this year has afforded me, which have been pivotal in building foundational research and leadership skills for me as a young investigator. Throughout my project, […]

Reflections on My ACHIEVE Year: Global Health Lessons from Around the World

As my ACHIEVE fellowship year grows to a close, I want to reflect on its highlights and lessons. My visits to Uganda, Ghana, the United States, and Puerto Rico have truly enriched the “global” aspect of my Global Health program. I look back with deep gratitude on the opportunities for learning, sharing my work, networking, […]

How the ACHIEVE Training Program Has Impacted My Research Career

It is with no doubt that I can say ACHIEVE is by far the best research training program I have engaged in. With a blend of local and international research exposure, the program has enabled me to appreciate how good research practices are applied within and outside my setting. It has given me hands-on experience […]

Transformative Experiences: Reflection of an ACHIEVE  Fellow on Mentorship and Learning at Washington University in St. Louis.

Embarking on a journey of academic enlightenment as an ACHIEVE visiting scholar at Washington University in St. Louis (WashU) has been a revelation—an attestation to the transformative power of exposure, mentorship, and experiential learning. Being a part of this prestigious training program has been the most exciting part of my career as a researcher. Having […]

Celebrating Progress: Reflecting on Fellowship Achievements and Future Opportunities

Recognizing that “there is no gene for the human spirit,” fosters my goals for using implementation research to assist adolescents living with HIV (ALHIV) to cope with and overcome the associated stigma. These strategies greatly improve the adolescents’ mental health by promoting resilience, hope, and determination that enable them to achieve greater heights. In Uganda, […]

Lesson Learned During Data Collection: Triangulation of Data Collection Sources is Vital

Adolescents living with HIV are advised to get the HPV vaccine to lower their risk of HPV-related problems, such as cervical cancer. My research study is being conducted to investigate the uptake of HPV vaccination among HIV adolescent girls attending ART clinics, as there is limited data on HIV-positive adolescents. To understand HIV-positive young peoples’ […]

Marching on Towards Accelerating My Research Career Progress

March is Women’s Month: including Women’s History Month, as observed in the US and internationally, and International Women’s Day on the 8th of March. It’s a time to celebrate the achievements of women and to continue advocating for more progress towards gender equality and inclusion. This year themes are befitting – “Invest in Women,” “Accelerate […]

Rwanda to Boston: A Voyage of Learning and Growth

Reflecting on my journey with the ACHIEVE Program, I am amazed by how much I have experienced and grown in such a short time. Beginning in July 2023, I embarked on transformative training in implementation and data science that broadened my horizons and expanded my skills in ways I had never imagined. A highlight of […]

Embracing Multitasking: Lessons Learned Through the ACHIEVE Training Program

The year 2023 will be remembered for its life changing experiences through the ACHIEVE training program. I vividly remember a panelist asking me how I plan to handle the graduate programs alongside teaching and administrative roles at my university. Admission into ACHIEVE program meant embracing the opportunities that came with it and making several personal […]

Unlocking the Secrets: A Journey of Discovery and Appreciation for the World of Research

My deep admiration for extraordinary researchers in the medical field has fueled my passion for research. Through determination and collaboration with my colleagues, I acquired foundational research skills that empowered me to run my undergraduate research projects which then birthed my first publications. With that background, I was honored with joining the ACHIEVE Training Program. […]

ACHIEVE is What I Needed to Restore My Hope in Research 

I am convinced that the ACHIEVE program is a manifestation of what I asked for when my (former) life coach said to me at one of our sessions, “Say it out loud, plainly, and put it out to the Universe – What do you want in your career life?” This was about three years ago, […]

Leveraging on Collaborative Networks in Global Health

Jambo! Warm greetings from the sunny city of Nairobi, Kenya – green city in the sun. It has been exciting moving back to Kenya (my second home) and returning  to my alma mater, the University of Nairobi. Though I am returning as a US global health fellow, I have been able to seamlessly re-integrate and […]

A Journey of Growth and Opportunities with ACHIEVE

Embarking on my research journey, I discovered a transformative experience through the ACHIEVE training program. ACHIEVE has not only enriched my academic knowledge but has also been instrumental in shaping my networking skills and enhancing my proficiency in public speaking. ACHIEVE has provided me with opportunities to connect with fellow researchers and professionals globally. As […]

ACHIEVE: Illuminating the Path to My Dream of Becoming an Independent Researcher

Applying for ACHIEVE was a breakthrough, a lifeline that pulled me from the brink of despair. ACHIEVE showed me there were opportunities to turn my long-desired dream of becoming an independent researcher into reality. I resurrected my research ideas buried in books including my current project, “Assessing the Knowledge, Feasibility, and Acceptability of a Public […]

The Power of Mentoring, Collaboration, and Relationships (MCR)

The ACHIEVE fellowship reminds me of one of my favorite quotes: “A sign of a good leader is not how many followers you have but how many leaders you create” (Mahatma Gandhi). As an emerging scholar from Africa, navigating the world of academia, research, and power dynamics can be challenging. Hence, I am deeply thankful […]

Navigating Leadership Transitions in Global Health Research: A Reflection from Northern Ghana

Greetings from Ghana! I have been in Northern Ghana for the last 1.5 years leading the Medicine and Pediatrics initiatives for AMPATH, a new academic partnership between New York University, Tamale Teaching Hospital and the University of Development Studies. In this role, I primarily partner with the leadership of both departments and together, identify opportunities […]

Community Engagement Before Health Research is a MUST

As the mother of an adolescent girl who could benefit from the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, and as a medical provider in Uganda, it pains me greatly to see other parents refusing to vaccinate their children because of myths and misconceptions that are spread in the community. With the HPV vaccine, this includes the belief […]

Beyond the Training

One of the best things that has happened to me this year is ACHIEVE. When I was first selected to participate in the ACHIEVE research training program, in all honesty, I was not very excited. I had envisaged the program to be a typical research training. But little did I know that the fellowship would […]

The Importance of Stakeholder Engagement: Building a Study Advisory Board in Dushanbe

While I have worked in other Central Asian countries for nearly a decade, ACHIEVE is the first time that I’ve travelled to or worked in Tajikistan. My research is on access to HIV prevention and testing services for adolescents and young adults, and because the data that I am collecting may touch on sensitive topics […]

Change is Not Meant to be Easy

Hello from Northern Ghana! Although I am a US-based trainee I have been lucky enough to already be living and working in Northern Ghana as an OB/GYN through the AMPATH partnership since 2022. Having made Tamale my home for over a year has its advantages – in these first first few months of the Fogarty […]