Notes from the Field

ACHIEVE: Illuminating the Path to My Dream of Becoming an Independent Researcher

Applying for ACHIEVE was a breakthrough, a lifeline that pulled me from the brink of despair. ACHIEVE showed me there were opportunities to turn my long-desired dream of becoming an independent researcher into reality. I resurrected my research ideas buried in books including my current project, “Assessing the Knowledge, Feasibility, and Acceptability of a Public Health Messaging Intervention on HPV Vaccine Uptake Among HIV-Positive Girls in Greater Masaka Region, Central Uganda.

ACHIEVE has connected me with the global research community, exposing me to accomplished researchers during the orientation week at NIH. Both my local and international mentors have provided unwavering support and interest in my work, guiding me through the concept development, preparation and submission for IRB approval.

Now, with all ethics and regulatory approvals in hand, I am set for data collection and intervention delivery and now eagerly anticipate the results that will inform future projects. I am currently introducing the study to the different clinics where I will be working to conduct my research. During this process, I have observed significant backing and from the healthcare professionals who will be involved with this project. Many have emphasized the existing gap in ensuring that young girls who are HIV positive receive HPV vaccinations. Currently, in the ART clinics, the focus is predominantly on cervical cancer screening among HIV positive adult women.

As I prepare to work with this special population through my research, I had the opportunity to attend an in-person training on responsible conduct of research, with support of ACHIEVE. This training has been timely – acting as a foundation for conducting research with integrity, a virtue that is very critical in the research world. The ACHIEVE program continues to be my guiding light, illuminating a path I could not see before. With mentors leading the way, my journey towards becoming an independent researcher has gained momentum.

As I navigate through this program, I can now see the light at the end of the tunnel. ACHIEVE has not just been a program; it has been the catalyst that started a whole new chapter in my professional journey. As my project unfolds, I am confident that I will emerge as a great ACHIEVER, armed with knowledge, mentorship, and the determination to make a lasting impact in the field of adolescent health research and implementation science.