We are always in need of passionate individuals to work on projects in the lab. Please contact Dr. Hani Zaher at hzaher@wustl.edu if you are interested in joining the team. 

Current Opportunities


Washington University undergraduates who are interested in research experience for credit Unfortunately, our lab currently does not have any open spots for undergraduates. Please email Dr. Zaher to inquire about openings for Summer 2021 or Fall 2021. The lab has opportunities for students pursuing undergraduate research for credit (Bio 200/500) or non-credit. 

Graduate students

We always have room for new graduate students through the Division of Biology and Biomedical Sciences at Wash U (DBBS). Dr. Zaher is currently affiliated with the Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Structural Biology (BBSB), Plant and Microbial Biosciences (PMB), and Molecular Cell Biology (MCB) programs. Regardless of your program, feel free to reach out as a different program affiliation is not a problem. 


The lab is on the lookout for talented post-doctoral fellows. Please email Dr. Zaher for more details.