March against Sexual Harassment here at SOM

March 31, 2023
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm

Organized by the grad workers union,

Mark your calendar for March against Sexual Harassment here at SOM

When : 03/31/2023, 3:30pm

Where : the gathering will start at 3:30pm at FLTC atrium and the march starts at 4pm. 

*There will likely be a poster-making session on the 29th

In terms of what you can do to help

  1. Spread the word!
  2. Share on social media (I’ll send you social media graphics when we have them)
  3. Make bright/catchy posters! (The union will be having a poster making session, most likely on Wednesday the 29th. I’ll keep you posted when we have more details.)
  4. Bring instruments/things that make noise and wear colorful clothing/costumes on the day of the march! This is both for increased visibility, and because we want to strike a balance between the serious tone of what we’re protesting against and making this event something that is fun and builds camaraderie.