
In this research group, our focus lies on understanding the interplay of fluid dynamics and heat transfer of droplets and other multi-phase systems. Practical applications of interest are additive manufacturing, phase change heat transfer for thermal management and thermal storage, and droplet interactions with biological systems. To fundamentally study these thermal-fluidic interactions, we combine multiple experimental techniques, such as high-speed optical and infrared (IR) imaging, interferometry, confocal fluorescence microscopy, and conventional heat transfer measurements.

Current projects include the characterization of melt pool dynamics during metallic 3D printing, the development and characterization of new 3D printing processes for metals and polymers, (dropwise) condensation heat transfer, and droplet impact and heat transfer dynamics on various engineered surfaces. For more information on projects, please see here.

Please note that we are currently “at capacity” with PhD students and not accepting new applications to the lab. We also do not have any postdoc positions available.

Steve’s work published

Steve’s work published

Steve, our former UG researcher, in collaboration with Junhui, published his work on the development of a passive thermal regulator in Scientific Reports – congratulations!!
Something fun – “sock survey”

Something fun – “sock survey”

Engineering communications recently ran a survey on whose socks were shown in this picture; apparently Patty’s affinity to animal-themed and other fun socks isn’t a very well known fact yet… let’s change that!
Time to celebrate!

Time to celebrate!

Great times in the Thermal Fluids Group: 1) Minrak passed his Qualifying Exams and is now officially a PhD candidate – congratulations!! 2) Patty got promoted to Associate Professor with tenure
Patty receives AFOSR YIP award

Patty receives AFOSR YIP award

Patty received a 3-year AFOSR (Air Force) YIP award on the topic “Laser-based additive manufacturing of compositionally graded polyether ether ketone (PEEK) nano-composites“. For more information, see here (AFOSR) or here (McKelvey).

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