Kolinski L. and Milich K.M. Human-wildlife conflict mitigation impacts community perceptions around Kibale National Park, Uganda. Diversity.
Milich K.M., Sorbello K., Busobozi R., and Kugonza iM. A Case Study of Participatory Action Research for Wildlife Conservation and Economic Development. Conservation Science and Practice.
Sacco A.J., Granatosky M.C., Laird M.F., and Milich K.M. Validation of a method for quantifying urinary C-peptide in platyrrhines. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 300(2021), 113644.
Milich, K.M., Ruiiz-Lambides A., Maldonado E., Maestripieri D. Age negatively impacts reproduction in high-ranking male rhesus macaques on Cayo Santiago, Puerto Rico. Scientific Reports 10: 1-10.
Milich, K.M., Koestler, B.J., Simmons, J.H., Nehete, P.N., Di Fiore, A., Williams, L.E., Dudley, J.P., Vanchiere, J. and Payne, S.M., 2018. Methods for detecting Zika virus in feces: A case study in captive squirrel monkeys (Saimiri boliviensis boliviensis). PloS one, 13(12), p.e0209391.
Link, A., Milich K., and Di Fiore, A. Demography and life history in wild white-bellied spider monkeys (Ateles belzebuth) in western Amazonia. American Journal of Primatology 80: e22899.
Milich K.M., Georgiev A.V., Petersen, R.M., Emery Thompson M., and Maestripieri D. Mating effort is associated with high glucocorticoid concentrations in high-ranking male rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). Hormones and Behavior 97: 5-13.
Milich K.M. The looming legacy of deforestation for red colobus monkeys in Kibale National Park in Dore K.M., Riley E.P., and Fuentes A. (eds) Ethnoprimatology: A Practical Guide to Research on the Human-Nonhuman Primate Interface. Cambridge University Press.
Milich K.M. and Van Belle S. Female Reproductive Endocrinology in Fuentes A. et al.
(eds) The International Encyclopedia of Primatology. New York: Wiley-Blackwell Press.
Van Belle S. and Milich K.M. Male Reproductive Endocrinology in Fuentes A. et al. (eds) The International Encyclopedia of Primatology. New York: Wiley-Blackwell Press.
Chapman C.A. and Milich K.M. Logging has complex impacts on primates that are often function of variables unrelated to timber extraction in Fuentes A. et al. (eds) The
International Encyclopedia of Primatology. New York: Wiley-Blackwell Press.
Milich K.M. and Maestripieri D. Sex or Power? The function of male displays in rhesus
macaques. Behaviour 153: 245-261.
Milich K.M., Deimel C., Schaebs F.S., Thornburg J., Vitzthum V.J. and Deschner T. Links between breast cancer and birth weight: A direct test of the hypothesized association between size at birth and adult progesterone concentrations. Hormones and Cancer 6: 182-188.
Milich K.M. Robert Martin: How We Do It: The Evolution and Future of Human Reproduction. International Journal of Primatology 36: 441-443.
Milich K.M., Stumpf R.M., Chambers J.M., and Chapman, C.A. Female red colobus monkeys maintain an ideal free distribution through novel foraging strategies in logged forests. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 154: 52-60.
Milich K.M., Bahr, J.M., Stumpf R.M., and Chapman, C.A. Timing is everything: expanding the cost-of-sexual-attraction hypothesis. Animal Behaviour 88: 219-224.
Bahr J.M. and Milich K.M. Ovarian Physiology in Hoyer, PB (editor) Ovarian Toxicology, pp 3-13. Boca Raton: CRC Press
Stumpf R.M., Martinez-Mota R., Milich K.M., Righini N., and Shattuck M.R. Sexual Conflict in Primates. Evolutionary Anthropology 20: 62-75.
Milich K.M. and Fish D. Case Study #5 (The Generation Gap Game), in Adelman R.C. (editor), Aging Awakenings: Assisted-Living Residents Teach University Students to Overcome Ageism, pp. 119-140. Ann Arbor, Michigan: RC Adelman.