At WashU Olin, we believe a strong, steady and strategic social media presence is key to engaging with current students, alumni, prospective students and the community at large. We pride ourselves on creating a space where we can showcase the heartbeat of the school and tell the stories that make WashU Olin what it is. We welcome you to collaborate with us and help us tell those stories!

What we do

WashU Olin maintains Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, YouTube and Instagram accounts. We’ve grown these channels over the years to a community of 35,000+ combined across platforms.

Based on best practices, we curate a steady stream of content:

  • Facebook: 5-7x/week; sharing photos and articles that showcase the student experience, celebrate accomplishments and provide important updates for our students, their parents, alumni and the community
  • Twitter: 15x/week; providing in-the-moment updates and coverage of events, student happenings, research and more
  • LinkedIn: 3-5x/week; maintaining a long-term and sustainable connection with our alumni: highlighting and celebrating their stories and keeping them connected with their alma mater
  • Instagram: 4-5x/week; sharing photos and videos centering on the student experience, events and the beauty of our campus for current and prospective students and alumni

Our social media strategy involves working with each program, center and team to make sure we’re highlighting the most important events and stories while also showcasing WashU Olin’s brand, mission and vision.

Work with us

We highly encourage teams to work with us to share your stories and contribute to a well-rounded view of the school. We have a master calendar of events, content and sales messages. We’re happy to interweave your strategy and messages/sales into our calendar and promote to our base of followers.

Here are a few ways you can get involved:

  • Meet with the social media team to discuss your needs
  • Send a representative from your team to our monthly editorial content calendar meeting to discuss upcoming events and initiatives
  • Send the social media team photos, event invites or other information as events occur
  • Submit a longer story to the Olin Blog

Resources for personal social media use

What about if you’ve got your own personal social media accounts? What are your responsibilities and abilities as an employee at WashU Olin? Check out our recommendations for your personal accounts here.

Our channels

Contact us

Let us know about upcoming events and opportunities to communication on social media.

Sophia Passantino
Social Media and Digital Content Specialist