Olin’s website provides rich content and resources for prospective and current students, companies, executives, academic colleagues, alumni, and the general public. The site explores each of Olin’s degree and nondegree programs, faculty- and student-related news, events, and more. Visit the Olin home page.
Website governance is informed by policies and ongoing guidance of the Web Governance Committee. Download the Web governance PDF.

Requesting edits
Marketing & Communications is generally responsible for making content and style edits to olin.wustl.edu.
Submit your request using this form. For more complex requests, contact your brand manager who will help coordinate with the web team.
Events promotion
External events promoted on olin.wustl.edu must be entered in Blackthorn (for those using Salesforce CRM). If your department has a public event and isn’t using Salesforce, please email your brand manager for assistance.
Getting started
If you want to promote events on olin.wustl.edu and/or want recommendations for how to capture registrations, contact your M&C brand manager about options that integrate with Olin Master Calendar.
Academic research conferences
idloom is the new platform supported by M&C for academic research conferences. It accommodates simple one-page registrations to multi-page sites with paper submissions and online, in person and hybrid sessions. Conferences that require payment MUST use this platform. Learn more from our academic conferences guide (PDF). For assistance, please email Matt Vilza at IS-web@olin.wustl.edu.
Internal websites
As of November 2020, all department sites have been migrated to WUSTL Sites or retired. All Olin undergraduate and graduate student organizations were migrated to WUGO. Students with questions about WUGO should contact their Student Affairs office. Departments with questions, please email Erik Buschardt for any questions or concerns at IS-web@olin.wustl.edu.
Other web applications
For technical issues with third-party software such as Digital Measures/faculty bios, please email IS-web@olin.wustl.edu. We are gradually building our staffing and support model and will continue responding to messages sent to this box.
Turnaround time
We complete most edit requests within one to five business days, depending on their complexity. In-depth changes may involve meeting with program and brand representatives. Marketing & Communications also may edit/rewrite submitted content to maintain consistency of voice throughout the website and to include search engine optimized language.
For complete information and guidelines on requesting website edits, please refer to the Olin Website Edits (PDF) document. For web-related questions or comments, please email website@olin.wustl.edu.
Web policy for non-marketing PDFs
PDFs of marketing collateral are typically created when a piece is designed and printed. If your brochure/viewbook etc. requires changes, please contact your Marketing & Communications brand manager.
If your program/department produces its own documents for sharing online, you may use Olin’s website documents library. Documents must be saved as PDFs and sent to website@olin.wustl.edu. Send updates as needed. M&C recommends using WUSTL Box for nonmarketing documents such as handbooks and user guides.