Lunar Meteorite: Dhofar 302

from The Meteoritical Bulletin, No. 86 Dhofar 302Oman Lunar meteorite (anorthositic impact melt breccia) A dark grey stone weighing 3.83 g was found in the Dhofar region of Oman. Mineralogy and classification (M. Nazarov, Vernad; L. Taylor, UTenn): fusion crust is absent; meteorite is a clast-rich impact melt breccia; mineral fragments and lithic clasts are set within a poorly crystallized impact melt glassy matrix; impact melt breccias are most abundant in the lithic clast population; fragments of primary igneous rocks and granulites of anorthositic, gabbro-noritic, and troctolitic compositions are common; rare glass fragments of KREEP composition were found; mare basalt material is probably present; feldspar, An90-99; orthopyroxene, Wo1-4En45-88; clinopyroxene, Wo6-46En2-83, olivine, Fo8-94 (Fe/Mn ~86 atom%); accessory minerals are Ti-rich chromite, Mg-Al-spinel, ilmenite (0.4-6 wt% MgO), baddeleyite, silica, tranquilityite (?), troilite, and FeNi metal (0.7-44 wt% Ni; 0.2-1.4 wt% Co); composition of the impact-melt glassy matrix is SiO2 = 44.5, TiO2 = 0.27, Al2O3 = 28.1, Cr2O3 = 0.09, FeO = 4.02, MnO = 0.06, MgO = 4.84, CaO = 16.5, Na2O = 0.41, K2O = 0.09, P2O5 = 0.12 (wt%); terrestrial weathering is not significant. Dhofar 302 and Dhofar 081/280 were found nearby and are possibly paired. However, Dhofar 302 seems to be poorer in glass and richer in igneous and granulitic lithologies. Specimens: type specimen, 0.8 g plus a thin section, Vernad; main mass with anonymous finder. |
Randy Says… Dhofar 302 is not paired with Dhofar 081/280. It is also compositionally distinct from the Dhofar 303 clan, with which it was found. |
More InformationMeteoritical Bulletin DatabaseDhofar 302 MapSchematic Map of Find Locations of Lunar Meteorite from Oman ReferencesDemidova S. I., Nazarov M. A., Taylor L. A., and Patchen A. (2003) Dhofar 304, 305, 306 and 307: New lunar highland meteorites from Oman. Lunar and Planetary Science 34, abstract no. 1285. Demidova S. I., Nazarov M. A., Lorenz C. A., Kurat G., Brandstätter F., and Ntaflos Th. (2007) Chemical composition of lunar meteorites and the lunar crust. Petrology 15 (4), 386-407. Demidova S. I., Nazarov M. A., Brandstätter F., and Ntaflos Th. (2014) Mineralogical evidence for the activity of lunar water. 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, abstract no. 1087. Korotev R. L. (2005) Lunar geochemistry as told by lunar meteorites. Chemie der Erde 65, 297-346. Korotev R. L. (2012) Lunar meteorites from Oman. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 47, 1365-1402. Korotev R. L. (2017) Update (2012–2017) on lunar meteorites from Oman. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 52, 1251-1256. All Korotev data on Omani lunar meteorites. Nazarov M. A., Demidova S. I., Patchen A., and Taylor L. A. (2002) Dhofar 301, 302 and 303: Three new lunar highland meteorites from Oman. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIII, abstract no. 1293. Nazarov M. A., Demidova S. I., and Taylor L. A. (2003) Trace element chemistry of lunar highland meteorites from Oman. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIV, abstract no. 1636. Nazarov M. A, Demidova S. I., Patchen A., and Taylor L. A. (2004) Dhofar 311, 730 and 731: New lunar meteorites from Oman. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXV, abstract no. 1233. Nazarov M. A., Badyukov D. D., Lorents K.A., Demidova. S. I. (2004) The flux of lunar meteorites onto the Earth. Solar System Research 38, 49-58. Nazarov M. A., Aranovich Ya., Demidova S. I., Ntaflos T., and Brandstätter F. (2011) Aluminous enstatites of lunar meteorites and deep-seated lunar rocks. Petrology 19, 13-25. |