Janie Brennan, a Senior Lecturer in EECE, will discuss her experiences implementing “reflective homework”, a technique that is rapidly gaining popularity in engineering education. The reflective homework strategy is an approach to formative assessment that incentivizes understanding and mastery; encourages review and reflection for long-term material retention; and (as a bonus) disincentivizes cheating. What: “Promoting review […]
Tag: Recording
Recording: Encouraging Student Attendance in the Age of Recorded Lectures (October 15, 2021, 2021)
McKelvey Instructional Specialist Meghann Pytka reviews the scholarly literature on recorded lectures and offers peer-reviewed strategies for encouraging student attendance. The session recording and slides are linked and can found in this box folder.
Virtual Brown Bag (FRIDAY, October 15, 2021): “Encouraging Student Attendance in the Age of Recorded Lectures”
McKelvey Instructional Specialist Meghann Pytka reviews the scholarly literature on recorded lectures and offers peer-reviewed strategies for encouraging student attendance. What: “Encouraging Student Attendance in the Age of Recorded Lectures” When: Friday, 10/15/2021 from 12-1 PM Where: https://wustl.zoom.us/j/92965332389
Recording: Embedding Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) within Engineering Courses (August 6, 2021)
During this brown bag, Meghann Pytka presented general strategies for developing and delivering inclusive courses. Tucker Krone focused on developing inclusive engineering problems; and Neal Patwari shared insights from his “Equity and Fairness in Estimation and Classification” course. The session recording is linked below and the presentation slides can found in this box folder. You may […]
Recording: Flipping your classroom do’s and don’ts (July 23, 2021)
During this brown bag, Jason Crandall presented general guidelines on why and how to flip a course, while Patty Weisensee gave a detailed look at her journey with flipping Thermodynamics II. She also provided examples of modules, quiz questions, worksheets, and grading practices from her course. The session recording is linked below and the presentation […]
Recording: Zoom/Canvas training for student instructional staff (January 21, 2021)
This brown bag was a training for AIs and TAs led by Jason Crandall regarding common features in Zoom and Canvas. Topics included: scheduling and recording Zoom meetings, host and co-host controls, Canvas announcements, grading, and quizzes. The session recording is linked below. You may need your WUSTL key to view this recording. If the […]
Recording: Canvas Course Templates (January 8, 2021)
This brown bag was a discussion facilitated by Meghann Pytka regarding Canvas Course templates. Topics included: template benefits, template options, template imports from Canvas Commons, and template customization. The session recording is linked below. You may need your WUSTL key to view this recording. If the link routes you to a Zoom sign-in page, choose […]
Recording: Gradescope Virtual Brown Bag (July 31)
Our fourth virtual brown bag was on July 31st. Bill Siever and Tsitsi Nussinov showed various ways they have used Gradescope to help with fairness, consistency, and efficiency in their grading workflows. Both Bill and Tsitsi have shared their slide decks and are willing to consult with other faculty if desired. I’ve posted all three […]
Tablets Setup in Lopata Studio
We have set up four different tablets in the Lopata Studio. You can follow this link to reserve some time to check out what is available: https://wustl.box.com/s/zuiy91iy8ulcig3olnn4h2zsnnee3a90
Recording: OneNote Virtual Brown Bag (July 16)
Our third virtual brown bag was on July 16th, and we had a great hands-on demonstration. Matt Lew and Janie Brennan shared tips on how to use OneNote for courses with significant calculation and derivation components. They demonstrated how a OneNote file can be combined with PowerPoint, .pdf files, and Canvas to capture free-form and […]
Lopata recording studio: Full-screen tablets and OneNote
The below videos will show you some of the hardware and software available in McKelvey’s recording studio. The studio is located in 401 Lopata, and available now for recording content. To schedule a recording slot, contact Ethan at ethan.hall@wustl.edu. If you’d like to talk with colleagues who have used OneNote to good effect in previous […]
Seigle Hall recordings
The Center for Teaching and Learning has set up recordings studios in Seigle Hall on the north end of campus. Sessions are scheduled in 90 minute segments and you can sign up here: https://teachingcenter.wustl.edu/2020/06/request-for-video-recording-in-seigle-hall/ . When you sign up, the staff will help you choose a room and capture mode based on your preferences and […]
Lecture Capture and Post Processing Guidance
Overview The intent of this post is to provide McKelvey instructors with details around recommended lecture-capture resources as well as detail around expectation for student video editors. For updated information on studio resources and how to reserve them, please see this post: https://sites.wustl.edu/mckelveyteaching/some-places-to-start-for-the-fall/ Tools and Their Uses Tool Description Pros Cons Kaltura Capture Simple screen […]
Recording studios, university teaching website
Welcome to this site. As an initial post we have gathered some resources to help you think about your courses for the fall. We will continue to provide updated information here, and will alert you to major additions via email. University Teaching Continuity Website – https://teachingcontinuity.wustl.edu – This site provides a good overview of the […]