
Syllabus statements

This blog post will be pinned to the top of the blog for the first few weeks of the Fall semester. Here you will find suggested syllabus language regarding student resources and policies for this semester. We intend these statements to be easily adapted for inclusion as a section in your existing syllabus, a separate syllabus addendum, or a course announcement [highlighted text should be updated before sharing with your students]. More statements will be added here as they are finalized.

You may also find the CTL syllabus template to be a useful resource for statements regarding university resources available to students (such as the Habif Health and Wellness Center, the Writing Center, the Learning Center, and the Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention Center).


Technical Requirements – You will need a computer with a stable Internet connection, a webcam, and a microphone.  Students needing financial assistance to acquire the necessary hardware should contact the Office of Student Success.   

[You may wish to include the following for fully online students: If you are participating entirely remotely, a touch-enabled device or tablet is recommended but not required.]   

If you will be based overseas, there may be technology access considerations.  Contact your instructor if you have persistent issues accessing the course online resources.   

Synchronous class sessions and office hours will be conducted using Zoom.  Please connect to Zoom from the Zoom page in Canvas. Both upcoming Zoom sessions and recordings of previous sessions will be available on that page. These sessions are intended for use of current students only and neither meeting invites nor recorded sessions should be shared or posted elsewhere for any purpose.  

This course has a “Chat Moderator” who can provide minor technical troubleshooting during the synchronous class sessions.  [Provide contact information, both in Zoom and outside Zoom, so that students know who the moderator is]. Persistent technical issues should be worked out through the WashU Tech Den at

Course Software – Below are guides and resources for specific software you will likely be using in your courses: 

[If your course requires additional software (MatLab, AutoCAD, etc.) list that software here and include directions for student access.] For information on how to use VPN to connect to Engineering academic lab shares or other network access to computers on campus, visit the Engineering IT Networks & Remote Access page. 

Ask a Librarian – Lauren Todd, the subject librarian for engineering, is available to help with all your library and research needs.  She offers virtual research help via email or one-on-one Zoom consultations. She can help you find appropriate databases and evaluate your sources. She also provides assistance with off-campus access to the library and has tips to make your research process easier. You reach her via email at or make a Zoom appointment here. For general guidance on Engineering Research, see Research Guides.

For information on Library current operations and response to the COVID-19 outbreak, visit .

Engineering Communication Center – In the Engineering Communication Center, our faculty members offer one-on-one assistance to undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, and alumni with written, oral, and graphic communications.  To schedule an appointment, visit

For more information, contact us by email at

Zoom Best Practices for StudentsStudent technology services has created a list of guidelines for students while using Zoom. You may wish to link to or copy from this site: