The spring 2021 does not include a one-week Spring Break and instead has three “wellness days”. More details are forthcoming about appropriate activities on these days and days immediately following, but here’s a graphical preview.
Author: Jay Turner
Peer-to-Peer #1: Example of Video Mini-Lectures
This is the first post to the Peer-to-Peer series, sharing instructor’s experiences and approaches. Neal Patwari (ESE) recorded mini lectures for ESE 471 (Communication Systems) last spring. A sample set of videos for a lecture are on YouTube. Some features are as follows with A, B, and C being increasing levels of sophistication and adopted […]
Library online resources (and more!) from Lauren Todd
Lauren Todd (, our university’s engineering Subject Librarian, stands ready to help you with online resources. Here are the current library services available: eBook Purchases Customized Course Research Guides ( or specific class guides (e.g. Open Educational Resource Recommendations and Consultations for alternative Textbook Options Course Open Scholarship Collections, which are perfect for capstone […]