List below are recording related blog posts. If you are interesting in reserving time in a studio space, please click this link to see what options are available:
Recording: Presenting Feedback to Learners (December 3, 2021)
Andy Butler, Associate Professor of Education and department chair, presented to new STEM faculty on why, how, and when to give feedback to your students, and what students value most in feedback that they receive. The session recording can be viewed here (with apologies for the video and lighting quality) and the slide deck and […]
Virtual Brown Bag (FRIDAY, December 17, 2021): “Promoting review and retention via reflective homework”
Janie Brennan, a Senior Lecturer in EECE, will discuss her experiences implementing “reflective homework”, a technique that is rapidly gaining popularity in engineering education. The reflective homework strategy is an approach to formative assessment that incentivizes understanding and mastery; encourages review and reflection for long-term material retention; and (as a bonus) disincentivizes cheating. What: “Promoting review […]
Recording: Encouraging Student Attendance in the Age of Recorded Lectures (October 15, 2021, 2021)
McKelvey Instructional Specialist Meghann Pytka reviews the scholarly literature on recorded lectures and offers peer-reviewed strategies for encouraging student attendance. The session recording and slides are linked and can found in this box folder.
Virtual Brown Bag (FRIDAY, October 15, 2021): “Encouraging Student Attendance in the Age of Recorded Lectures”
McKelvey Instructional Specialist Meghann Pytka reviews the scholarly literature on recorded lectures and offers peer-reviewed strategies for encouraging student attendance. What: “Encouraging Student Attendance in the Age of Recorded Lectures” When: Friday, 10/15/2021 from 12-1 PM Where:
Recording: Lessons Learned: Student Perspectives on Educational Experiences During the Pandemic (August 13, 2021)
EnCouncil students, including Caitlind Walker, Edward Morris, and Erika Ezife, discussed their experiences negotiating last year’s educational landscape. The session recording is linked below and can found in this box folder. You may need your WUSTL key to view this recording. If the link routes you to a Zoom sign-in page, choose “Sign in with SSO,” […]