Resources through the Central Human Resources office are available to all Wash U employees. Below is a quick summary with a link on different tools offered.

Staff Courses

There are a variety of topics to choose from, such as: Time Management, Lean Process Improvements and Administrative Certificates.

Learning Transfer Pro Tip

Schedule a pre-learning session with your manager. Use the following template to ask the right questions.

Mindfulness Training

If you need help focusing and concentrating throghout the day or reducing stress and anxiety, Wash U Wellness has you covered. Check out Move into Mindfulness. 

Manager Courses

The Management and Leadership Development Certificate Program (MLDCP) provides new and existing managers and supervisors with a rich learning experience to gain the skills necessary to effectively lead and get results at Washington University.

Book Club

As part of social learning, Washington University Learning & Development has put together a book club.

How it works: The club selects one book to read each quarter and meet on two occasions, over the lunch hour, to discuss. Ongoing participation is not required – read what you want to and attend when you can.

Email Ashley at to sign up!

For more information check out this flyer.