Welcome to the Kunkel Lab!

The Kunkel Lab is interested in the signaling and regulatory events that govern interactions between bacterial plant pathogens and their hosts. Our group is studying the bacterial plant pathogen Pseudomonas syringae and two of its host plants, Arabidopsis thaliana and tomato, systems in which both pathogen and host are amenable to genetic and molecular analysis. We are interested in the virulence strategies used P. syringae to colonize and cause disease in plants.  We are currently focusing on two main areas:  

  1. The identification and characterization of P. syringae genes that are important at intermediate and later stages of infection and
  2. The roles of the plant hormone auxin (indole acetic acid, IAA) during pathogenesis.

The Kunkel Lab, May 2024 @ Shaw Nature Reserve. Lab members, left to right:
Front: Chia-Yun Cynthia Lee, Mohammed Albaqer Al Nassar
Back row: Barbara Kunkel, Maya Irvine, Alexis Hernandez.


Barbara N. Kunkel 
Department of Biology
Washington University

Campus Box 1137
One Brookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130

Office: 319 Bayer Lab, Phone( 314 )935-7284
Lab: 308 Bayer Lab, Lab phone: (314) 935 4728
email: kunkel@wustl.edu