I was born and raised in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, a culture-rich nation in Southeast Asia region. I obtained a Bachelor of Social Work in 2014, and a Bachelor of Education in 2015 from Royal University of Phnom Penh. I interned with various Cambodian nonprofits and had opportunities to do social science and community-based research with researchers and lecturers at the university while pursuing two undergraduate programs simultaneously.
In 2015, I obtained a full Master’s degree scholarship from Open Society Foundations. I currently hold a Master of Social Work, focused on older Adults and aging societies, from Brown School.
My research interest pursues a question: how do past and current life circumstances influence well-being of older adults who experienced violence in the past and currently live with low resources? Additionally, I am curious about testing construct measures developed among Western population to see if they work well among population in low- and middle-income nations with cultural and historical differences. My current projects include examining healthy aging among older rural-dwellers and social determination of health in later life. My research agenda is driven fundamentally by the life course perspective that says contexts in which a person was born and raised impact their life outcomes. It has been crazy few years for everyone. I wish everyone a productive rest of the year.
Learn more about me and my work at my personal website: KakadaKuy.com. Thank you for dropping by!
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Preferred Contact: KakadaKuy@wustl.edu