Postdoctoral Scientists

  • Dr. Xianda Gong (WUStL), September 2020 – July 2023
    –   Current Affiliation: Assistant Professor, Westlake University
  • Dr. Nicholas Rothfuss (WUStL), February 2019 – January 2020
  • Dr. Guangjie Zheng (WUStL), September 2016 – December 2019
    –   Current Affiliation: Assistant Professor, Tsinghua University
  • Dr. Yang Wang (WUStL), June 2017 – August 2019
    –   Current Affiliation: Assistant Professor, University of Miami
  • Dr. Tamara Pinterich (Brookhaven National Laboratory), July 2015 – January 2018
    –   Current Affiliation: Bosch Corporation
  • Dr. Ryan Thalman (Brookhaven National Laboratory), August 2013 – August 2015
    –   Current Position: Associate Professor, Snow College
  • Dr. Michail Pikridas (Brookhaven National Laboratory), November 2012 – November 2013
    –   Current Position: Associate Research Scientist, The Cyprus Institute
  • Dr. Fan Mei (Brookhaven National Laboratory), December 2009 – January 2013
    –   Current Position: Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • Dr. Chongai Kuang (Brookhaven National Laboratory), September 2009 – November 2011
    –   Current Position: Scientist, Environment Sciences Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory
  • Dr. Jason Olfert (Brookhaven National Laboratory), September 2006 – July 2008
    –   Current Position: Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Alberta, Canada
  • Dr. Pramod S. Kulkarni (Brookhaven National Laboratory), February 2004 – June 2006
    –   Current Position: Research Scientist, National Institute of Occupational Health and Safety, Cincinnati, Ohio

Ph.D. Students

Rotation Students

  • Prabhav Upadhyay, 2022
  • Mingyang Song, 2022
  • August Li, 2021
  • Joshin Kumar, 2021
  • Kritika Sharma, 2019
  • Pan Du, 2018
  • Karolina Cysneiros de Carvalho, 2018

MS/MEng Students

Research Interns

Undergraduate Students

  • Minye Zhu (WUStL), June-December 2023
  • Arden Chen (WUStL), January-May 2022
  • Ian Henderson (WUStL), October 2021-May 2022, June 2023- August 2023
  • Patrick Wiecko (WUStL), August 2021-April 2022
  • Andrew Finn (WUStL), June-August 2021
  • Luxiao Zheng (WUStL) June-August 2020
  • Shubham Mittal (IIT-Delhi) June-August 2020
  • Jahanwi Singh (IIT-Delhi) June-August 2020