Instruments in Physics

NanoSIMS 50
Our NanoSIMS 50, the first one produced by CAMECA, was designed specifically for the presolar grain research that we do. This new type of ion microprobe offers a lateral resolution of better than 100 nanometers, high sensitivity and multi-collection capability. In May 2018, we installed a Hyperion 201 RF plasma ion source that will allow us to measure secondary positive ions with a beam size of 50-100 nm. Visit the NanoSIMS homepage for more information.

Auger Nanoprobe
Our PHI 700 Auger Nanoprobe operates with a field emission electron source and can be operated as a field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM). In addition, qualitative and quantitative analyses (for all elements except H and He) can be carried out with a spatial resolution on the order of tens of nanometers, making it an ideal complement to the NanoSIMS. For more information about the Auger Nanoprobe visit here.

Field-Emission Scanning Electron Microscope
Our Tescan Mira3 FEG-SEM is a state-of-the-art scanning electron microscope that features a high-brightness Schottky emitter, wide-field optics for a large field-of-view, EDAX EDX system for X-ray analysis, integrated STEM detector, ImageSnapper software that automatically collects multiple SE or BSE images while adjusting focus, contrast, and brightness. Its open software platform allows for complete and customized control of the microscope through Python scripting.

Focused Ion Beam Instrument
Our focused ion beam (FIB) instrument extends the reach of our studies into the submicron realm. Our instrument is a FEI 3D FEG Dual Beam (electron beam and gallium ion beam) FIB with an in situ Omniprobe manipulator. The FIB allows us to image and manipulate submicron presolar grains as well as to cut and extract sections sufficiently thin for transmission electron microscopy (TEM).
Laser Weathering Laboratory

Laser space weathering experimental setup. A combination two 1064 nm wavelength lasers are used to replicate the effects of micrometeorite impacts.

UVVIS-NIR Reflectance spectrometer. Reflectance spectra of fresh and laser weathered materials are measured from 0.25 µm to 2.5 µm, with a 30 incidence angle and 0 degrees emission angle.
Instruments in Earth and Planetary Sciences

JEOL JXA-8200 electron microprobe
Electron-probe microanalysis is performed on EPS JEOL JXA-8200 electron microprobe.

PEACh – Planetary Environment & Analysis Chamber
A planetary environment and analysis chamber (PEACh) for coordinated Raman–LIBS–IR measurements under planetary surface environmental conditions.